A website, similar to Medium, has become popular over the last couple of months. It’s called Yours.org, and what makes it awesome is that you pay to post your content, you pay to like, and people can in return pay you for great content.
On top of that, you make money off of other people’s great content if you’ve paid to like their stuff. It’s a really great way to incentivize likes and comments, and to earn from putting out an awesome post.
Because the platform runs off of Bitcoin Cash, most of the posts have been geared towards cryptocurrency and other such topics, but I decided to try something unique.
Over the last 3 weeks, I’ve been offering 5-minute yoga classes, all of which can be done from the comfort of your desk, for $0.50-$0.99, and I’ve made over $100 doing it so far!
Here are the classes that I’ve offered so far:
5-Minute Stretch for Your Fingers & Hands
3-Minute Neck Stretch from the Comfort of Your Desk
4-Minute Stretch for Your Back
5-Minute Stretch for Tight Legs
5-Minute Balance & Leg Stretch
You can also join me for a New Year’s special where you can pay $2.99 for all of the classes here!
Oh, and did I mention that these classes are all exclusive to Yours, so if you want to check them out, you’ll have to get them there! 😉